Robert Moore


University of Michigan Expected May 2025 B.S. in Computer Science Ann Arbor, MI


Domino’s Pizza Summer 2023 Intern Backend Java Developer
  • Maintained over 15 Domino's backend microservices with a team of developers using Java and Maven, ensuring they were up to date and met business needs
  • Integrated new machine learning system by developing REST API for pizza carryout ready time prediction
  • Facilitated QA team work by deploying microservices to various environments with Jenkins, fixing any bugs found
  • Performance-tested critical microservices with Gatling to ensure reliability in a real-world scenario
Domino’s Pizza Summer 2022 Intern Frontend Developer
  • Tested impact of different frontend frameworks on pizza tracker's maintainability and loading speed by recreating pizza tracker in each one, culminating in a presentation & recommendation to boss
  • Analyzed website performance and eliminated unnecessary JavaScript, saving 130kB (~20%)
  • Implemented UI for new rewards program to drive revenue growth, pair programming with more experienced team member
FitSociety 2019-2021 Freelance Web Developer
  • Designed and developed a full-stack e-commerce web application from scratch, deploying it to Microsoft Azure
  • Communicated with client to get project requirements, get feedback, and periodically report status
  • Explained high-level technical details of system to reconcile vision with current product implementation
  • Prioritized tasks with Jira, ensuring client would always have something to test and give feedback on


JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C++, Python, React, Next.js, HTML, CSS, SQL (PostgreSQL), Git, C
